No more excuses... Move your body!


With all of our papers, projects, presentations, and not to mention finals coming up, how can a busy college student make time for fitness?
Well, what is fitness in the first place?
       “Fitness means being able to perform physical activity”.      
-     WEB MD
It’s pretty simple isn’t it? Yet, a lot of us struggle squeezing in time to work out. We often find ourselves saying that we don’t have time or initiative. Let me be a friendly reminder that you make time for what you want! I’m a firm believer that the worst workout, is no work out.
So, in hopes that we can make time for fitness, here are some solutions to common excusesJ
Possible Excuse:

1)     “I don’t have time”.

2)     “I’m too tired”.

3)     “I’m not interested in exercise”.


1)     Make time! As a CSULB student you can go to the SRWC Monday-Sunday throughout the semester.  Make time in between classes or during the weekend.

2)     Working out actually gives you energy! Also produces the “feel good” endorphin hormone. So, get some energy with a workout!

3)     Find an activity you love. The SRWC has Racquetball, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Volleyball, Basketball, etc. Team up with a friend and try something new!
Confidence, Energy, Motivation, and better health are just a few benefits of

getting in tune with your fitness !

By Marisol Gutierrez


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