Five Benefits of Exercise

Did you know that exercise can provide significant benefits to help us breeze through classes, improve our grades, and feel better during midterms. No matter the level of intensity, or length of time, such as a cardio kickboxing class, or a walk around campus, just moving is important. Here are some exercise benefits:

1. Improved Mood
When we exercise, hormones get released that make us happier and feel relaxed. Exercising more can also help with one’s opinion of their appearance, which can lead to improved self-esteem. Feeling good about ourselves can give us the confidence to persevere through those pesky writing intensive courses.

2. More Energy
Exercising naturally makes your heart beat faster. As this happens, more blood and oxygen flow to the body. The increased amount of blood and oxygen in the important organs of the body creates a more energetic feeling overall. With midterms gradually approaching, everyone could use an extra amount. So, put down that energy drink and get moving!

3. Better Sleep
As college students, we are lucky when we get more than five hours of sleep out of the recommended 7-9 hours a night, and sometimes that sleep can lack depth and we wake up tired. A decrease in sleep could make it more difficult to concentrate and retain information during class. Exercise can help! Slight physical activity for at least 10 minutes a day can increase sleep duration as well as depth, leaving us feeling better overall. 

4. Healthy Skin
As some of us might know, faces can turn red with exercise. This is because the blood vessels are opening, and blood and nutrients are rushing to the skin. More blood and nutrients to the skin ensures quicker healing time, and improved skin health overall. Clearer skin can leave students feeling less self-conscious and more focused on what really matters.

5. Strengthened Muscles
Exercise helps the muscles get used to taking in oxygen from the circulating blood in the body that it needs. Which in turn, leads to the heart working less to keep the muscles satisfied. Thankfully, that walk to upper campus could eventually get easier.
Exercising doesn't have to be extreme. Even a quick stroll around campus can make a difference. So, we have made it to the end of the list, but now it is your turn to put these words to the test! Go out and move your body and note your results. Feel free to comment below how exercise helps you, and we hope you continue on your healthy journey at the beach. Go Beach!

By Jessica Elderkin


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