Sleeping Better Can Improve Your Life
Most college students have this idea that sleep is not an essential aspect of their lives. However, late night partying, pulling all night study sessions, and drinking caffeinated drinks are what is expected to survive and succeed in the college world. As a result, students do not sleep well even when they try. This is usually because of sleeping way too long or not being able to sleep at all. What students need to know is that the lack of sleep really affects how they function in life. Having that adequate 7-9 hours each night can greatly improve health, test scores, and overall life. Here are three ways to improve sleep health: 1. No Caffeine before Bed Caffeine is a well-known stimulant and the number one source college student use to stay awake. Caffeine can last in the body for up to 6 hours. The most well-known caffeine stimulant is coffee. In order to have better night’s sleep, one would have to cut off the coffee sometime in the mid-afternoon. How would a college ...