Tips for Creating Change in Your Life with SMART Goals

Don’t get caught up with New Year’s resolutions, instead, start setting S.M.A.R.T. goals that will guide you into a productive new year. Goal setting is crucial; it gives you motivation, maximizes your performance, and gives personal satisfaction when accomplished. S.M.A.R.T. goals differ in that they are specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound. 2018 is a fresh blank page waiting to be written. Take the initiative and get started!
Specific: Your goal must be simple, straightforward, and a complete sentence. Include the what, why, and how.
Measurable: There needs to be a way for you to keep track of your progress. If needed, you may add mid-term checkup points to help you prepare the overall goal.
Achievable: Be realistic with yourself while making it a challenging goal. Be sure to have the right tools to reach your goal.
Realistic: Keep your eyes on the prize, but be open to the fact that money, time and abilities can change the goal. Thinking of goals as experiments can help when the journey leads you to another success.
Time-Bound: Give yourself a deadline to work up to. Be sure to give yourself time, the focus is on attaining the goal, therefore, do not give yourself a deadline that will cause major stress.

Case Example
To demonstrate, we are going to set the goal to increase water consumption.
For example: I will improve my water consumption by drinking 50 fluid ounces every day starting February 1st, 2018 by taking a reusable and labeled water container to the places I go to keep my skin and organs hydrated.

What? Improve water consumption
Why? To keep skin and organs hydrated
How? Using and taking a labeled reusable water container

Using a labeled water container helps me measure how much I drank that day

In the beginning, make it 3 days per week I will bring the water bottle, then increase the amount of days as I get used to the new habit.

Notice my overall better health and hydration of my body (less headaches, more energy, my skin is clearer)

Incorporating the goal daily by February 1st, 2018. 

Without the specifics of a plan, your goal may get lost and never achieved. Writing down your goals also really helps cement it into action. Use a composition book or notebook and write down the steps to attaining your goals. You will be amazed at how well this method works to really make change in your life! If you want more assistance with your health goals, the CSULB Health Resource Center offers individual health education sessions for free. 

By Yesenia Garcia


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