
Showing posts from April, 2018

Let’s Get Snacking!

Who’s hungry? I know I am! I have a treat for you! Here are five delicious and nutritious snacks that you can make in record time. Let’s get started! Short on Time? That’s more than fine! An easy option is celery sticks and peanut butter or carrots and hummus. These take hardly any time at all and can leave you feeling satisfied and energized. If You Have a Little Extra Time... Blueberry Oatmeal Greek Yogurt Muffins For more information on this tasty treat head here: Ingredients: 1 cup + 1 tbsp all-purpose flour, divided 1 cup rolled oats 2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup plain Greek yogurt 1/3 cup honey 1/4 cup milk 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup blueberries, frozen or fresh Instructions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and grease a muffin pan and insert liners. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl (1 cup f...

Guys! Don’t be Afraid to Reach Out & Ask For Help

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), suicide is the second leading cause of death for people aged 15-24 and 25-34 (2017). NIMH also reports that men in both those age groups are shown to have higher suicide rates than women in those age groups (2017). Even though men are shown to have higher suicide rates, men strangely have the lowest rates of depression (NIMH, 2017). Obviously, this is a strange discrepancy, somehow men are suffering less from depression but taking their lives more than women. According to the American Psychological Association, men are less likely to report that they are suffering from depression and less likely to pursue treatment for depression (2005). That's why it’s important that if you think you may be suffering from depression to seek help. Hopefully, by reading this blog you can be more familiar with what depression is, the types of depression, the signs and symptoms, and where you can find help to recover. Types of...

The Truth about HPV

What HPV is and How It’s Spread Now you may be thinking…what in the world is HPV? Until a few years ago, I had no idea either. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is transmitted through genital skin-to-skin contact. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HPV is the most common STI in the United States and the population most at risk to get HPV are people in their late teens to mid-twenties. The Details Since HPV is a virus, there is no cure. In most cases, a healthy immune system can help fend off the virus so it can clear the body on its own. People infected with HPV can transmit it to their partner(s) even if they don’t have any symptoms.  There are 40 types of HPV that are sexually transmitted. Symptoms of HPV include genital warts or genital cancers. Warts don’t cause cancer. They appear flat or raised in the genital area and may itch, but usually not painful. Treatment includes freezing them ...

Women’s Health 101: Your Sexual Health

These are some of the most common issues that women face regarding their sexual health, especially when they are in college. Getting the facts, making a plan, and taking care of yourself are important steps to staying healthy. Unplanned Pregnancy Many couples become pregnant without really thinking or talking about it. So, If you are having sex and do not want to have a child now, a birth control plan is the best solution. Make a birth control plan.   Learn about the different methods! Condoms are very reliable, especially when used every time you have sex, for the entire time you are having sex (consistently and correctly). Choose a method(s) that works for you. Think about your health history, values, and lifestyle. You have lots of options, like pills, the ring, the shot, the implant, an intrauterine contraceptive, or even spermicides.  Get more information by checking out reliable websites (like Planned Parenthood ) or attend a sexual health workshop at CSULB ...