There is No Wrong Way to Have a Body

There is No Wrong Way to Have a Body
            As individuals of the CSULB community we are all probably familiar with these common stressors: school, work, personal relationships, money, etc. However, some of us may be hesitant to acknowledge another common worry- poor self-body image.
            From a very early age, many external factors can condition girls to think that their appearance is the most important thing about them. Whether it’s the media, family, or peers, the idea of what a girls are supposed to look like is hammered into their minds. Guys don’t fare any better. Boys are exposed to the media's idea of what a man is supposed to look like: muscular, handsome, and fearless. We are presented with these unobtainable body images and are expected to try and look like them. For both boys and girls, not meeting any or all of these qualifications can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing.
            The bottom line is this: there is too much stress and pressure in life already without turning on yourself. If you can learn to love yourself, you will realize just how beautiful you already are. This may sound like a daunting task, which is way the Health Resource Center is here to help.
            The Body Positive is a social movement that helps individuals learn to love themselves while also promoting a positive body image. Its founders, Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott, began the movement in 1996 with the goal of helping people overcome conflicts with their bodies so that they can lead happier and more productive lives. In an effort to promote their work, the Student Health Services created Body Positive @ The Beach, an eight week series for CSULB students to begin a journey of self-love and self-acceptance. In addition, Student Health Services is hosting a community presentation and workshops to introduce the campus community to the core concepts of The Body Positive.
            The community presentation will take place on Tuesday, September 20th at the Anatol Center from 3:30-5:00pm here on campus. Thanks to a generous donation from Centers for Discovery, a local eating disorder treatment facility, The Student Health Services was able to invite one of the founders of The Body Positive, Connie Sobczak, to conduct these presentations. This community event is open to all students, staff, faculty as well as the public. We encourage interested participants to bring any family and friends who may benefit from this positive message.
            There will be a Staff & Faculty workshop on Wednesday, September 21st from 12pm-1:30pm at the Barrett Athletic Administration Conference Center. There will also be a student workshop on Wednesday, September 21st from 3:30pm-5:00pm in USU room 303 (Redondo Room). For both of these workshops, we ask that you RSVP as space is limited. Refreshments and snacks will be provided at both the presentation and the workshops!

                        We recommend that individuals come by and take advantage of these helpful services. The process of learning to love yourself is not an easy one. That is why we’re here to offer you support and show you that you are not alone in your struggle.  Please contact or call (562) 985-4664 to RSVP for more information or to RSVP for any of the upcoming events. 

by Adam Vargas


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